How It Works
Welcome to the instruction process for the Word of Life Youth Ministries Curriculum Writing Team.
Thank you for being willing to use the writing skills that God has given you to impact the lives of students around the world. We are glad you have taken the opportunity to pursue being a writer for us.
As you begin this process, we want you to know that Word of Life takes youth ministry seriously and is always striving for excellence.
This course will cover the basic requirements, an overview of the writing process, detailed information on writing a lesson and the opportunity to submit a trial lesson.
The entire process of becoming a Lesson Writer requires that you will:
- Complete this Lesson Writer Qualification Process
- Write a trial lesson
- Accept an invitation to join the Writing Team (upon approval)
- Attend a required One-Week Teaching/Writing Team. Travel expenses (flight tickets, mileage, approved meals purchased enroute) are covered up to a maximum of $600. Food and lodging at Teaching/Writing Team are fully covered by Word of Life.
- Grades 1-6 (Olympians) – planned for the first full week of May 2025, in Henniker, N.H.
- Grades 7-12 (Fifty 1) – planned for the first full week of January 2025, in Henniker, N.H.
Specifically, we are looking to see how potential writers meet these Basic Writer’s Requirements
- Is the writer skilled at writing? (Good use of grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc.)
- Can the writer connect with the desired audience?
- Is the writer biblically accurate?
- Can the writer meet a deadline?
- Can the writer use Google Drive?
- Can the writer make changes in a timely manner?
- Can the writer take/receive (and give) feedback? (Is he/she teachable?)
- Is the writer a team player?
The Youth Ministries branch of Word of Life has two main objectives.
- First, we want to see every student everywhere hearing the Gospel from a friend.
- Second, we want to see every student growing in their walk with Christ.
One of the ways that we accomplish those objectives is by producing high quality, biblically based, curriculum for local churches to use in their youth ministries.
The purpose of our Bible study is to clearly teach God’s Word in an engaging way, so that students are equipped to obey the truth out of love for Christ.
- When we say, “clearly teach God’s Word,” we are talking about using a historical, grammatical, and literal interpretation as we approach Scripture. We also want to explain the truth of God’s Word in such a way that students MUST either receive or reject the truth. Our goal is to always bring them to a point of decision in each of the lessons.
- When we say we “teach in an engaging way,” we mean that the study is culturally relevant and can be clearly applied to the life of a student living in this generation.
- When we say we “teach obedience out of a love for Christ,” we are stressing that the student’s obedience should come from a faith decision, an overflow of love for Jesus, not merely a moral decision to be a better person.
Ultimately our goal is that the students be transformed by the clear teaching of the Word of God with an exhortation to live it out.
We say it this way: “The main goal of Word of Life Curriculum is biblical life-transformation.” Each lesson is designed to help students make a connection with biblical truth, make a choice to allow God to change their heart, and take action upon what they have learned from Scripture.
In writing each lesson, writers are challenged to ask the following questions: “How will this help students act as a result of hearing this lesson?” and “How will this lesson encourage the student to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer?”
We say it this way: We want our lessons to be more “applicational” than “informational.”
Each lesson should be written to help both students with biblical knowledge and those with very little biblical knowledge apply the truth of God’s Word.
We take the creation of curriculum very seriously and have invested a great deal of time and money to ensure that the lessons produced are biblically accurate, culturally relevant, and glorifying to God.
To create the best lessons possible we ask all of our writers to take their position seriously and be willing to invest the time necessary to:
- study the Scripture
- research their topic
- follow the guidelines of our Writer’s Guide and template
- work within the process
Each writer is asked to read the current version of the Curriculum Writer’s Guide. This detailed document will help potential writers understand what we are looking for in a lesson. Writers will need to refer to the guide throughout the writing process.
The Writer’s Guide contains background information that serves as a foundation for understanding the direction of Word of Life curriculum. It helps the writer understand each part of a lesson and provides helpful suggestions for lesson creation. Reading the Writer’s Guide is a requirement for all writers and well worth the investment of time. Without the guide, writing a lesson for Word of Life is not possible.
At this point you should have a good overview of the basics. In order to take the course you will need to click on the “Login to Enroll” button above. You will then be asked to create a username and password. Once you log in, you will see two module options on the right hand side of the page.
If you would like to write a trial lesson for children’s ministry (grades 1-6) click on the Olympians Writers Module to begin taking the course. If you would like to write a trial lesson for student ministry (grades 7-12), click on the Fifty 1 Writers Module to begin taking the course.
If you have any problems moving forward with this course contact