What is a Gospel advancing youth ministry?
Gospel advancing youth ministry is a ministry where students know how to share their faith and are having Gospel conversations with their friends regularly. If this is the focus you would like to have in your ministry, consider joining one of our Gospel Advancing Leader Training Groups.
These meetings connect over Zoom twice a month with a trainer and a handful of other likeminded youth leaders. Together we discuss the book, the 7 Values of a Gospel Advancing Ministry by Greg Stier. The discussion centers around how to implement these values both personally and in our ministry to students.
Gospel Advancing Youth Ministry Training
The Commitment
You must have a desire to personally be a gospel advancing leader and lead your youth ministry in this direction.
Attend two 90-minute Zoom meetings a month, do the reading and follow up work required between meetings.
Connect with the Youth Ministry Coach nearest you to get involved.
Complete the Dare2Share Ministries Gospel Advancing Diagnostic before the first meeting and email the results to your WOL Youth Ministry Coach. Take the assessment
We will be reading Gospelize Your Youth Ministry by Greg Stier. Get a copy of the book or obtain a free digital copy. Get your copy
Your coach wants to be involved in helping your ministry become Gospel advancing. Therefore, when possible they would like to visit your ministry periodically to be a support and help to you.
Attendees are asked to find a youth leader in another church they could bring through this same process in the following year.