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Small Group Assessment

This quiz will help you on your way to having effective small groups.

User Information

Building relationships

How often do you meet with your small group students outside of regular church meetings (Worship Service, Youth Ministry Meeting, etc.)?

Choose one

How often do you connect with your small group students other than in-person meetings (phone, text, chat, etc.)?

Choose one

How well do you know the likes, interests and hobbies of each student in your small group?

Choose one

What important information do you know about the students in your small group?

Choose all that apply

Weekly Preparation

How often do you pray for your small group students?

Choose one

How soon before the weekly youth meeting do you review the upcoming meeting schedule, lesson, and discussion questions?

Choose one

How would you describe your state when arriving on your ministry night?

Choose one

Leading Discussion

How do you discuss the lesson during your small group time?

Choose one

If your students do not answer, how much time do you wait before talking after asking a discussion question?

Choose one

What best describes your small group discussion?

Choose one

How would you describe your role as a small group leaderwhile leading discussion?

Choose one

Asking Good Questions

What kind of discussion questions do you normally ask after the lesson?

Choose all that apply

What do you normally do if students do not answer one of your discussion questions?

Choose one

What best describes your question asking?

Choose one

Getting to the Point

What is your goal for each week's small group discussion time?

Choose one

What do you consider a good application of a lesson

Choose all that apply

What best describes your follow-up on your students' spiritual commitments?

Choose one