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Last week we started with the first 3 steps of how to recruit your Youth Ministry Leadership Dream Team. If you missed it, you can go back and read it here. Now let’s jump in to the last 4 steps.

4. Create your list

Who are your potential prospects? Think, “If I could hand pick the best people, who would I want?” Be sure to involve others in this step.

  • Church leadership: Ask your pastor, or other key church leaders for insight.
  • Current leadership: Run this by your current youth ministry leaders.
  • Don’t overlook: Be open to any age group.
    • Young singles could have an abundance of time available.
    • Young married couples without children have a lot of energy, lots of ideas, and available time.
    • Young married couples with young children have the stamina and drive to be involved.
    • Adults with teens are motivated to help the youth ministry since their children benefit.
    • “Empty nesters” tend to have more time and bring more maturity to the team.
    • Retired people can be free to do things younger leaders do not have time for.
    • Student Leaders can be excellent additions to your team.

Commit to pray for a few weeks and then come up with your top 5-10 names.

5. Plan the meeting

Now it is time to set up a meeting with these potential leaders. Consider the following as you prepare:

Let them know there is training. Training will provide the skills and confidence your leaders need for their upcoming ministry. This can happen through courses, teaming up with other church leaders, or through help from your Word of Life Youth Ministry Coach.

Focus on a bite-sized commitment. Make the time commitment reasonable enough that busy people can still be involved, but meaningful enough that they feel it is making a difference.

Have an application. Gain some ideas and inspiration with an internet search for “youth ministry volunteer application.” Find one you like and customize it for your ministry.

Have expectations. Communicate clearly what they can expect from you and what you will expect from

6. Conduct the meeting

Most people appreciate a direct approach to help communicate exactly what is being asked of them. Seek to be candid and clear in your communication as you share your heart.

  1. Setting up the meeting: Be clear on what the meeting will be about. You might consider saying something like this:
    “Hi Jim, we have been working on expanding our youth ministry’s leadership team. As we were praying about who would be a good fit, your name came to mind. I was wondering if you might be free next week so we could get together to discuss the possibility. How does Monday night at our house work?”
  2. Having the meeting: Start by sharing why you chose them. Next, walk through the role you would like them to have, including any leadership expectations that accompany it. As the meeting ends, ask if they would prayerfully consider becoming one of your youth leadership team members.

7. Follow up every meeting

If they agree to pray about it, be sure to follow up with them in a week. If they say no, ask them if they would be willing to volunteer when you need extra help during specific special events. Do not expect them to get back in touch with you. If someone declines your ask, that simply means that they are not one of the people God has set aside for you.

There it is, seven steps to recruit your youth ministry leadership dream team. It does not need to be a dream; it can become a reality. WITH GOD’S HELP YOU CAN DO THIS!

God has placed you in leadership and He wants to work through you to advance your ministry to new heights and take the lid off your ministry. To get there, you will need a team, and as you build your team, you will be embarking on a journey of ministry impact and making lifelong ministry friends. May God bless you as you begin to execute this plan.

Reference the extended version of this article here.

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