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Three reminders to help you reach Gen Z effectively

Three Reminders to Help You Reach Gen Z Effectively

“We’re not in Kansas anymore!”

If you’re familiar with the movie classic The Wizard of Oz, you know Dorothy said this as she stepped out of her sepia-toned, tornado-blown house into the technicolor dreamworld of Oz!

I am guessing that I’m not the only youth leader who feels like we are “not in Kansas anymore” in the post-COVID youth ministry world. The paradigm of how we do ministry has changed dramatically!

Youth ministry experts identify Gen Z as the first post-Christian generation raised in a post-Christian context. What that means for you and me is that we must view this generation as an unreached people group in an obscure location of the world. This is a generation (termed “nones”) that has no working knowledge of God, and even less knowledge of who Jesus is. Most of them have never held or opened a Bible, nor have they ever read a single verse of Scripture.

I know this sounds unbelievable, and I would have thought the same thing until we began a new year of youth ministry at our church last fall. That was when we had a close encounter with three young “nones” and began our yearlong class in Gen Z 101. Here are a few takeaways from our experience:

1. Gen Z is skeptical about anything that cannot be seen or touched

This is a generation that has been steeped in the religion of science. They believe that people cannot know or accept something as being true unless it can be proven with hard, scientific evidence. Faith in an unseen God is not on their radar.

Believing Romans 10:17 (“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ”), I knew from that first night that we needed to be deliberately strategic in the lessons we chose to teach each week. It had to have a robust apologetic and be Christ-centered—beginning with Genesis, just like missionaries who work with other remote people groups. Praise God for the Word of Life Fifty1 curriculum, as it satisfied what we needed. I also occasionally included scientific and apologetic videos that complemented and reinforced what was taught.

2. Gen Z is searching for authentic relationships

Most of the relationships Gen Z has are an inch deep and a mile wide. They may digitally connect to people around the world through social media but have little connection with those under their own roofs! Structure your ministry night with sufficient time for unguarded conversations. For instance, in our group we play interactive board and card games while enjoying snacks. We also limit cell phone access during youth group.

3. Gen Z questions everything and everyone

It’s easy to perceive their questions as bordering on being disrespectful, but most often (at least in our experience) it is a combination of curiosity and testing. Remember that Gen Z lacks a Judeo-Christian worldview. Biblical authority is foreign to them. Don’t be threatened or dismissive of any question or pushback you receive. Instead, always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, and do so with gentleness and respect (see 1 Peter 3:15). Show them the same respect that you expect from them!

Ministering to Gen Z has been both exciting and challenging in many ways. It has been exciting to sow gospel seeds into the hearts and minds of these students each week and to be a part of the Great Commission. We’ve been amazed as these students have returned each week and have even brought a friend with them! The biggest challenge has been guarding against speaking “Christianese” and remembering to put theological truths into words and concepts that they can understand easily. Again, I am thankful that the Fifty1 curriculum has helped in this area!

Gen Z may be an unreached people group, but that doesn’t mean they are unreachable! What’s essential to remember is that Gen Z evangelism is a journey, not a singular event. As youth leaders, you and I have the privilege of being tour guides, walking with them towards faith in Jesus!

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1 thought on “Three Reminders to Help You Reach Gen Z Effectively”

  1. This is great Dave. Love the sentence that evangelism to Gen Z is a journey not a singular event
    Diana Willard

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