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Weekly Preparation

 Preparation is a vital component of ministry to your group. When we are not prepared, we miss more than we know. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Take Home: Preparation frees us to be present.

Action Step: Are you all in for your weekly meeting? Set a recurring reminder in your phone to spend at least 10 minutes reviewing the Multiply! App or Leader’s Guide for this week’s meeting. 
How can you adjust your schedule to ensure you are arriving at least 30 minutes early each week?

Recommended Reading from 99 Thoughts for Small Group Leaders: Getting into Students Lives pp69

So, how are you doing on the course?  Have you picked up some good information?  Maybe identified some area that you need to work on? Now would be a good time to connect with your Word of Life Ministry Coach. Let him know what you are learning and how he may be able to help your ministry.

So, how are you doing on the course?  Have you picked up some good information?  Maybe identified some area that you need to work on?

Now would be a good time to connect with your Word of Life Ministry Coach. Let him know what you are learning and how he may be able to help your ministry.